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Drug Label

A. Pengertian Label

Rabu,4 September 2019

      Label (Keterangan) merupakan informasi atau keterangan penting yang ditempelkan pada kemasan berbagai macam produk misalnya, bungkus makanan, botol minuman, bungkus obat-obatan dan lain-lain. Di label produk biasanya terdapat kalimat yang menunjukkan keunggulan produk, petunjuk penggunaan, takaran, kandungan gizi, komposisi produk, tanggal produksi serta tanggal kadaluwarsa. Dengan demikian, calon konsumen yang ingin memanfaatkan produk tersebut mendapat informasi secara detail dan akurat.

    Dengan adanya label kita bisa menemukan beberapa informasi penting tentang produk yang akan kita gunakan.

B.Tujuan Label Produk  

Adapun tujuannya sebagai berikut:

Memberi informasi rinci tentang isi produk yang diberi label tanpa harus membuka kemasan.Sebagai sarana komunikasi produsen kepada konsumen tentang hal-hal yang perlu diketahui oleh konsumen tentang produk tersebut, terutama hal-hal yang kasat mata atau tak diketahui secara fisik.Memberi petunjuk yang tepat pada konsumen hingga diperoleh fungsi produk yang optimum.Sarana periklanan bagi produsen.Memberi ‘rasa aman’ bagi konsumen.

Dalam Kemasan produk/label biasanya memberikan beberapa informasi sebagai berikut:

Name of the product (nama barang/produk)Content/amount (jumlah/isi) Description (penjelasan seputar produk) Ingredients (komposisi) Nutrition Facts (informasi gizi) Use (kegunaan/indikasi) Direction to use and dosage (dosis) Direction to store (petunjuk penggunaan) Expiration date (tanggal kadaluarsa) 


1. Label Obat

D. Latihan Soal

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 and 2.


Congestion100 tabletsRunny noseUSPCoughs200 mgHeadacheFever


1. Which of the following sickness cannot be relieved by this medicine?

     A. Headache

     B. Coughs

     C. Cancer

     D. Fever

2. What's the writer's purpose to write the text above?

     A. To inform the process of making Cold Breaker

     B. To persuade people to use the product

     C. To explain the ingredients of the product

     D. To describe the illnesses that can be cured 

Read the following text to answer questions number 3 to 5.


• Temporarily relives nasal congestion due to the common cold, hay fever or other upper respiratory allergies, or associated with sinusitis 

• Temporarily relieves these symptoms due to hay fever (allergic rhinitis): 

- runny nose 

- sneezing 

- itching of the nose or throat 

- itchy, watery eyes 

• Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose 


Do not take more than 4 doses in any 24- hour period

Age Dose adults and children over 12 years4 tsp every 4 hoursChildren 6 to under 12 years2 tsp every 4 hoursChildren under 6 yearsask a doctor

3. From the label above we know that ....

     A. This medicine is only for adult

     B. This medicine is in the form of syrup

     C. Stomachache can be cured with this medicine

     D. Children under 12 cannot take this medicine 

4. Who must be consulted to the doctor before taking this medicine?

     A. Adult

     B. Children under 6 years

     C. Children 12 years and over

     D. Children 6 to under 12 years 

5. "Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose" The underlined word has similar meaning with ....

     A. Damage

     B. Recall

     C. Rehabilitate

     D. Provide 

Read the following text to answer questions number 6 and 7.



Serving size: 1 tablet

Servings per container: 30


Amount of serving% Daily valueVitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate)250 mg416,67 mgCalcium (as calcium ascorbate)50 mg7,14 mgCitrus bioflavonoid*50 mgRutin*25 mgHesperidin*25 mgRose hips*125 mgAcerola*5 mg


*Daily value not established

Suggested use: 1 tablet after meal


This product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemical solvent, starch or gluten.

6. What is the purpose of the text?

     A. To advertise a supplement for woman

     B. To describe a product for adult

     C. To give detailed information about the supplement

     D. To tell the value of a supplement 

7. “This product contains no artificial …”

The word “artificial” in the sentence means ….

     A. Original

     B. Pure

     C. Unnatural

     D. Inexpensive

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10.

8. How much sodium does the product contain per 100 g?

     A. 45 mg

     B. 148 mg

     C. 565 mg

     D. 709 mg 

9. “Ingredients: sugar, cashew, milk solids…etc.”

The underlined word means: …. Needed to make something.

     A. The steps

     B. The goals

     C. The materials

     D. The methods

10. The label is telling us about … of a product.

     A. The steps

     B. The goals

     C. The materials

     D. The nutrition information

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